What we eat has a direct influence on the development and function of our brains, as well as our moods. How frequently do we observe this in our children after birthday parties? Our children’s behaviour is frequently correlated with their gut health.
What we eat, particularly additive-laden and highly-processed foods, affects our microbiome. Our gut flora is literally its own eco system, and it is in our gut that we produce feel-good hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, all of which play a huge role in how we feel.
Here is a list of the common culprits that effect our mood:
- Refined Sugar
- Processed Foods
- Additives
- Inflammatory Foods
- Aspartame
Feel Good Foods!
- Vitamin B6: Bananas, dark leafy vegetables, chickpea
- Tryptophan (Amino Acid): turkey, chicken, Pepitas (pumpkin seeds), Brussel sprouts
- Vitamin B9 (Folate): beans, whole grains, peanuts, sunflower seeds, dark green leafy vegetables, asparagus
- Omega 3’s: Salmon (wild caught), chia seeds, walnuts, Linseeds (flax) avocados
- Prebiotics:
- Probiotics: fermented foods (miso, natural yogurt (without added sugar), sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, kombucha
⭐️ Positive Lifestyle Changes to Help Your Family ⭐️
- Exercise: Great for releasing feel good hormones
- Increase Fibre: Fruits and veggies help maintain good bacteria in the gut
- Sunlight: Give us vitamin D as the body needs sunlight to convert vitamin D in the body – get outside every day
- Hydrotherapy (Cold Showers/baths): Help lower inflammation
- Sleep: 7 – 9 yours each night to help rest and repair
- Reduce Screen Time: at least 2 hours before bed to support blue light reduction and overstimulated nervous system. This doesn’t just mean telling our kids to get off their screens – this means US getting off our phones too!
- Toxins: Eliminate all hormone disrupting beauty, cleaning and other products from your home.